
CISDI’s intelligent solutions for the interconnected era 1. CISDI partners with HUAWEI

Date:2018/12/10 Source: CISDI

China’s communications giant HUAWEI is joining forces with CISDI to bring the combination of their new-age expertise to the digital industrial revolution in China and beyond.

The two organisations share a vision for an interconnected industrial eco-chain and to that end, have signed a strategic cooperative agreement.

Both parties will work together in digital renovation for steel plants, smart city, agricultural big data, smart park, intelligent manufacturing, and corporate information technology applications.

Huawei Technologies is a leading global provider of information and communications technology, infrastructure and smart devices. With integrated solutions across four key domains – telecom networks, IT, smart devices, and cloud services – Huawei is committed to bringing digital to every person, home and organisation for a fully connected, intelligent world.

CISDI is making great strides in intelligent manufacturing, particularly its developments for smart city management and intelligent agriculture.

The company has 60 years of experience in creating automation and big data for industry and was one of the first in China to adopt intelligent and information technology applications.

By integrating its abundant engineering experience with cloud computation, the internet of things, big data and intelligent technology, CISDI is now providing intelligent solutions and services for both steel and non-steel sectors.

The two giants signed a strategic agreement on October 10. Huawei’s cloud computing and ICT expertise will support CISDI’s intelligent products and lead to the provision of a cloud-computing framework for steel plants and cloud solutions for intelligent manufacturing and smart city platforms.