
Light rail rolling line is a Chinese first

Date:2019/6/18 Source: CISDI

Light rail rolling line is a Chinese first

Under CISDI’s technological leadership, Yongyang Special Steel’s light rail production line has gone into operation.

It is China’s first semi-continuous light rail rolling line, with a universal mill at its core.

CISDI’s supplies to Yongyang include core equipment for two breakdown mills, five universal mills and two edger mills, as well as hydraulic systems.

CISDI created an innovative series of universal mills, termed as UMCDs, in specifications ranging from 450mm to 1,000mm.

The proprietary products are welcome by China’s section steel producers who have to import otherwise.

說明: C:\Users\cisdi\Desktop\20190312225459-1.jpg

A diagram of CISDI’s universal mill development