Source: CISDI
We provide large, machine-specific, standard and tailored products.
Our global purchase resources ensure your easy access to all the required spare parts.
You can rely on our fast delivery of quality components and parts that keep your plant up and running again in next to no time.
Our spare parts packages include on-demand spare parts supply, spare parts front-end consulting and planning, emergency on-site and remote technical support, warehousing management and long-term service agreements.
Our spare parts solutions optimize your plant operations, reduce your downtime, save your capital tie-up and lower your warehousing management costs.

Global sourcing: quick and easy access to your equipment; supplying spare parts in OEM quality; supplying catalogue parts; supplying tailored spare parts
Fast delivery: reducing downtimes; thanks to our strong logistics and supplier control competence
Spare parts management: front-end planning and on-track warehousing management; creating lean inventories and cutting capital tie-ups
Spare parts solutions: sensitive to client's online and stock requirements; offering you the optimised and cost-effective solutions (e.g. long-term technical services/service agreements)
Checks, maintenance & repair services: field or remote; local or full-line
We are ready for responsively answering to your requests and RFQs.
If you are interested in our products and services, you may contact us by the email address below: Thank you for your attention. CISDI